Manitoba Recognizes it's Veterans in Special Ways
Mr Doer was also presented the Patriot award along with General Retired Crabbe.
Mr Doer has long supported the actions of Veterans Organization in the Province of Manitoba and was awarded the Patriot award for his strong dedication to Veterans in the Province of Manitoba.
of the word. As a young boy growing up in Neepawa he never thought he'd end up in the army bu what a career move it turned out to be, in rising thought the ranks General Crabbe remained a soldier's soldier while undertaking some of the most exciting jobs the army had to offer. On retirement from the military General Crabbe did not sit back to a life of leisure but continued to work hard for Canada and the military. He chaired a United Nations committee tasked to develop rapid deployment forces in several countries. He still teaches at the Defence College in Toronto. He proudly serves as a volunteer board member of Commissionaires Canada and at Southport Aerospace and is a past president of the Royal Military Institute of Manitoba. Lieutenant - General Ray Crabbe is a real patriot.
August, 22 2006
3 Eagle Court
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2E 0L2
Dear Ray,
On behalf of the Canadian War Museum I would like to again thank you for having brought the wonderful presentation case, containing the Sergeant Thomas Prince full size replica medal set and other significant related materials, to us on behalf of the Korean Veterans Association of Canada.
We would ask that you pass along our thanks to the Association and in particular Mr Norm Van Tassel who created and put the case together.
The Museum has now registered this presentation case into our Corporate Collection (An # 20060082-001), where it will be held for possible future exhibition or loan.
Enclosed also is a disc containing a few digital shots of the presentation here at the CWM on July 31st 2006.
Sincerely yours,
Signed JC
John Corneil
Manager, Collections
Canadian War Museum
Tel 819-776-8646
Cc. Et Van Lingen
General Crabbe and Barry Burns CD of CJOB
General Crabbe and Barry Burns in discussion after the presentation of the Tommy Prince Plaque at the St James Legion Mar 31 of 2006. Barry has been a great help not only to our organization but many other Veteran organizations in the City of Winnipeg. He has often taken on the task and duties of the MC and has done a job that very few could do. Barry gets very little recognition for the support he gives and shows for organizations and we can only say "Thank you Barry" and we certainly appreciate your help. A very special thanks has to go out to Betty Zarney President #4 RCL, Jim Holland Past President #4 RCL , Minister of Cultural Affairs Mr. Eric Robinson , Local MLA Bonnie Korzeniowski, Greg Dewar MLA Selkirk & Brokenhead, Peter Chief the Rep from Brokenhead, the two sons of Sgt Tommy Prince both named Tommy, Paul Rochon KVA National Honours & Awards Chairman, the many Veterans Organizations as follows - The Army Navy Veterans Association, the many Branch reps of the Royal Canadian Legion, Bill Neil the War Amps, George Peterson the Hong Kong Veterans Association, Seymour Blackadar the Merchant Navy Association, Members of KVA Unit 17, Sam Katz and Graham Dixon the Jewish Veterans Association, Members of the Lt Gen RR Crabbe Chapter CAVUNP, Ron Parkes Vietnam Veterans Association, Members of the Aboriginal Veterans Association, Members of the RMIM, Don Mackey the Tommy Prince Memorial Fund Chairman and the Reps from the Cadet Corp RCAF and the Sgt Tommy Prince Cadet Corp. To the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion for putting on the lunch and donating the cost of the lunch for the special event we thank them and #4 Legion for being a great host and allowing us to use their facilities as our home base. You all made this a very successful event.
The Sons of Sgt Tommy Prince MM
The two sons of Sgt Tommy Prince MM both named Tommy and Paul Chief a Rep of the Brokenhead Indian Reserve, Tommy's Home Reserve. They were in attendance at the presentation of the Plaque of their father to Gen Crabbe who will ensure that the plaque is put in it's place of honour at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa. Thomas Edward Prince (Left in picture) passed away on June 30, 1970 he was born on July 17, 1943 mother was Olive Sinclair. Thomas died from Leukemia.
MC RCN Lt Barry Burns CD The Cairn was erected and unveiled on
the 9th of Aug 2004.
By the Manitoba Chapter of CAVUNP The LGen RR Crabbe Chapter
It was 1954 and a ceasefire had been declared between North and South Korea, two countries that had been engaged in a `police action' from 1950 to '53. Van Tassel and other Canadian soldiers were there as part of a United Nations force designed to ensure peace and stability between the two sides, who are divided by the 38Th parallel. They were quite literally keepers of the peace, but without the recognizable accoutrement's of today's peacekeepers.
"(Peacekeepers) didn't start wearing blue and driving white jeeps until 1956 in Egypt and Cyprus and places like that," the veteran explains.
Today, the 69-year-old feels good about his involvement in Korea and feels that his efforts, and the efforts of those who lost their lives, made a difference. "I remember something that one of my Korean friends said when they were honouring the Korean veterans at one of our get-together. He said, 'We are here in Canada because you Canadians were their (in Korea)," says Van Tassel, who is past-president of the LGen RR Crabbe Chapter of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping, as well as Past President of Unit 17 Korean Veterans Association and a past member of unit 46 Saskatoon KVA and the Prairie Region Sgt at Arms.
Van Tassel's work didn't end after he left Korea in 1955, or after he retired from the military in the early 1960s. Since that time he has been active in fostering recognition for the efforts of Canadian soldiers and peacekeepers.
In 1998, while serving as president of Unit 17 of the Korea Veterans Association, Van Tassel chaired a committee that raised funds for the erection of a cairn in Brookside Cemetery to honour the 37 Manitoba servicemen who lost their lives in Korea from 1950 to 1955 and the 17 servicemen who were killed accidentally while travelling from Camp Shilo, Mb. to Korea 21 Nov 1950.
Van Tassel also successfully lobbied the Manitoba government to have July 27 declared as Korea Veterans Day and Aug. 9 as Peacekeeping Day, one of the first Canadian provinces to do so.
Van Tassel's most recent project was the erection of a cairn to honour the many Canadian peacekeepers killed in the line of duty. Armed with previous experience and contacts from the Brookside cairn project, Van Tassel says support for the endeavour came relatively easily. The cairn was officially unveiled on Aug. 8 to a crowd of approximately 300 people at its location in Memorial Park, at the corner of Memorial Boulevard and Osborne Street.
"It was terrific," Van Tassel says of the event. "General (Ray) Crabbe gave the opening address and we had representatives from all three levels of government and all the veterans associations out."
Winnipeg Free Press August 18, 2004 --- by Michael Marshall
New cairn in park commemorates peacekeepers who made ultimate sacrifice
A cairn at Memorial Park has been unveiled to honour Canadians who have died on United Nations peacekeeping missions around the world.
The memorial cairn consists of three stone pillars, ranging from eight to 12 feet tall representing the strength of the Army, Navy, Air Force and RCMP. Each pillar is engraved with a single word - past, present and future - to signify the service and sacrifice of Canadian peacekeepers.
"Canada was a founder of the UN peacekeeping force and thousands of our soldiers have served with distinction in countries in conflict around the world," said Manitoba Transportation and Government Services Minister Ron Lemieux. "Sadly, in meeting this great international obligation, many Canadians have made the highest sacrifice in the name of peace and this cairn is a tribute to their legacy. "
The memorial is an initiative of the Lt.-Gen. R.R. Crabbe Chapter of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping and is funded by the City of Winnipeg, Army, Navy and Air Force veterans associations, Royal Canadian Legion, War Amps of Canada, Jewish War Veterans Association, other military associations and private citizens. It is installed on land provided by the province at the corner of Memorial Boulevard and Osborne Street North.
"It is a striking tribute to the memory of Canadians who have served and sacrificed on behalf of this country and our commitment to the peacekeeping role of the United Nations," said Crabbe.
The United Nations was founded in 1945 and, in response to a Canadian proposal by future Canadian Prime Lester "Mike" Pearson, created the United Nations Emergency Force in 1957 to provide peacekeeping measures to member nations. Pearson received the one and only Nobel Peace Prize awarded to a Canadian for his proposal which ended an armed conflict in the Suez Canal region and was the template for future UN peacekeeping missions.
A total of 154 Canadian soldiers have been killed during peacekeeping missions in Korea, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Indo-China, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Belgian Congo, Cyprus, Vietnam, Somalia, Rwanda, Macedonia, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Haiti and Serbia.
Monday, August 9, has been declared Peacekeeping Day in Manitoba as part of the salute to Canada's UN veterans.
Memorial Park also commemorates the sacrifices made by Canadians during the First World War, Second World War and the Korean War.
Winnipeg Real Estate News August 13, 2004
Dave Davidson CD, President of the National Korea Veterans Association
Dave visited Winnipeg for and took part in the dedication of the Peacekeeping Cairn on Memorial Blvd. Dave was also very supportive in the formation of the new KVA Unit, The Sgt Tommy Prince MM Unit 76, which was formed in Winnipeg and donated money towards the Flags for the Tommy Prince Unit. We thank him for his support and his dedication to KVA.
Retired LGen RR Crabbe CMM, MSC, CD, BS
Retired LGen RR Crabbe had taken on the responsibility of ensuring the Plaque of Sgt Tommy Prince MM was presented to the CWM. This he did on the 31st of July 2006. The General has been very supportive towards the efforts not only of this association but many others in the City and Province of Manitoba. He has a Chapter of the Canadian Association of United Nations Peacekeeping named after him in the City of Winnipeg. He was very helpful in taking part in having a Cairn dedicated to those Canadians that lost their lives while on Peacekeeping missions. General Crabbe is also a native son of Manitoba. We Thank him for his support and guidance over the past years.
Norm Van Tassel and Paul Rochon 2006
Norman R. Van Tassel Winnipeg, Manitoba
At the time of the Presentation of the Tommy Prince Plaque to General Crabbe. Paul was the Chairman of the National KVA Honours and Awards Committee and is presently the Vice President of the National KVA.
Retired Major Graham Dixon CD
Retired Major Graham Dixon a former member of the famous Royal 22nd Regt The Van Doo's because of his unlimited experience dealing with different organizations be it Government or Military Associations, has always been there to assist us in our endeavours to raise money, to sit on our committees and guide us to do what we needed to do to get the ear of those that we needed to assist us in our fund raising and to gain the recognition we were looking for. Mr Dixon has also worked very hard over the years with the Jewish Veterans Associations and is well know in the Jewish Community for his dedication and hard work. Mr Dixon is also a member of the KVA Unit 76 of Winnipeg, Manitoba. We thanks him for his hard work and for the direction he has given us . Mr Graham is presently the President of JNF Prairie Region and his address is listed below if more information is needed.
Mr. Graham Dixon
President JNF Prairie Region
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 633-3315
News Release
August 1, 2007
For immediate release -- photo of banner attached
JNF Presents Banner with Over 1,600 Signatures in Support of
Canadian Troops in Afghanistan
Winnipeg, MB: Recently, at the Negev Gala, presented by the Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF), over 1,600 Manitobans displayed their support for the Canadian troops serving in Afghanistan by signing a large banner which will now be sent to the Canadian Forces base in Kandahar. While paying tribute to the Canadian Forces, the Negev Gala also honoured Mr. Arnold Frieman, a military veteran, successful businessman and community leader.
In his acceptance speech, Mr. Frieman recognized that the Canadian Forces/NATO mission in Afghanistan is a noble one and that it is the duty and responsibility of free people everywhere to defeat tyranny and oppression wherever it exists. The JNF is proud to be sending the banner to Afghanistan to deliver a message of gratitude and respect for all Canadian Forces personnel.
Proceeds from the Negev Gala will be used to underwrite expenses to send youth from Canadian Military families to Israel, where they will experience environmental and ecological projects developed by the JNF. “They will plant the first trees at a proposed Canadian Military Park, see science and technology at work in Israel’s universities and colleges, meet with Israeli families and experience Israeli life and culture,” said Rami Kleinmann, JNF Israel Emissary. The JNF is working in conjunction with the Winnipeg Military Family Resource Centre – and their national network – in this endeavour.-30-
Photo caption:
Graham Dixon, President, JNF Prairie Region (far right),
presents banner to Winnipeg Family Resource Centre staff and families: (from left) Sophie Berube, Ulysse Tremblay, Elizabeth Tremblay, Mona Currie, Savannah Tremblay, Drew Sherlow, Christina Brine, Cati Kopechena, Brittany Hynes, Matthew MacNeil, John Chabih, Haley Schroeder, Diane Brine, Sandra Doody, Don Brennan.
Contacts: Rami Kleinmann
Israel Emissary
Jewish National Fund of Canada
225 – 530 Kenaston Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB R3N 1Z4
(204) 947-0207
rami.kleinmann@jnf-canada.orgGraham Dixon
JNF Prairie Region
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 633-3315
gldixon@mts.netDon Brennan
Executive Director
Winnipeg Military Family Resource Centre
(204) 489-7003
No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.11.10/943 - Release Date: 8/8/2007 5:38 PM
Bong Jay Yim was a very dear friend who was always there to lend a helping hand. He was very active in assisting in the needs of the Korea Veterans and was very generous in asking the Korea Veterans to attend functions put on by his group. The above certificate was presented to his wife at a special function declaring the 27 Jul Korea Veterans Day in Manitoba by the Provincial Government. We thank Bong Jae for his support.
Bong Jay Yim Past President Korean Society of Manitoba
Bong Jay Yim was a very dear friend who was always there to lend a helping hand. He was very active in assisting in the needs of the Korea Veterans and was very generous in asking the Korea Veterans to attend functions put on by his group. The above certificate was presented to his wife at a special function declaring the 27 Jul Korea Veterans Day in Manitoba by the Provincial Government. We thank Bong Jae for his support. I will always remember him by on of his special saying at a social event. He thanked the Canadian Korea Veterans by closing off his speech by saying:
We are here because you were there.
Lynne Van Tassel and Chung Mi Yim
Pictured above is Lynne Van Tassel and the widow of Bong Jae Yim, Mrs Chung Mi Yim. We met for coffee at the Winnipeg Conservatory where her family have a bench with a plaque on it dedicated to Bong Jae. That was one of their favorite places where they went to have a coffee and stroll in the park. We stay in touch with Mrs Yim and she misses her husband dearly. We wish Mrs Yim all the best in her time of need and hopefully her family will give her the strength to deal with her loss. All the bet to her in the future.
Resolution 83 Peacekeeping Day in Manitoba
We thank Bonnie Korzeniowski The Local St James MLA for her Support and dedication to the needs of Veterans over the past years. She has always been there for us. She ensured this resolution was brought up in the house and had it passed as having the 9th of Aug declared Peacekeeping Day in Manitoba. She also had a resolution passed to have the 27 Jul declared Korea Veterans Day. A vote of thanks goes out to Bonnie and to Mr Doer the Premier of Manitoba
Manitoba has recognized it's Veterans in Many Ways
Our thanks goes out to Bonnie Korzeniowski, Eric Robinson and of course the Premier of Manitoba for declaring the 27 July 2000 as Korea Veterans Day in Manitoba. the day 27th Jul 1953 marked the day the Cease Fire occurred in Korea. The Canadians remained in Korea for another two years after the ceasefire.
Last Post Fund Winnipeg Manitoba 2004
Columbarium at Brookside Cememtery Field of Honour
Final resting place of many of our Veterans as well as their next of kin who can be added to the same vault at their time of death. For more info check with the Last Post Fund or your Local DVA Office
Claude Petit was born on October 31, 1935, in Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. He had one brother and a sister who passed away shortly after her birth. Mr. Petit's family has a long history of military service; his father fought in the Second World War and many other members of his family participated in conflicts dating back to the Riel Rebellion. Mr. Petit enlisted in the Korean War at the age of 16 and served with the 1st Battalion of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry.
Continue to Watch
Part 1: Family Involvement in Wartime
Part 2: Training
Part 3: PPCLI Duties
Claude is a former member of 2 PPCLI. He was wounded in Korea and recovered from his wounds to work with not only aboriginal veteran but Korea Veterans for many years in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He served as President of Unit 46 in Saskatoon for several years and went on to become the National President of the Aboriginal Veterans Association. Hats off to Claude for all his hard work and dedication to Veteran.
On April 7, 1981 Aboriginal Veterans who had served in he Canadian Armed Forces met and established the National Indian Veterans Association (NIVA). The lack of a satisfactory response from the Federal government in regards to inequities and mismanagement of veterans' benefits was catalyst to the launch of the new organization. Also, though several Veterans' association existed, such as the Royal Canadian Legion, The Korean Veterans Association and many regimental associations, there was none explicitly for the needs of the Aboriginal veterans. The founders of NIVA were aware that although Aboriginal veterans has served proudly alongside their fellow Canadians and Allied Forces, they felt that an Aboriginal organization was necessary to ensure remembrance of their fallen comrades and undertake initiative to support the needs of Aboriginal Veterans.
On April 8, 1991 the National Indian Veterans Association (NIVA) was incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act. The founders envisioned that the new national organization would be an effective and unified voice for Aboriginal veterans. All funding to support NIVA was raised through various fundraising activities of the membership.
On Jan 13, 1993 the organization's name was change to the National Aboriginal Veterans Association (NAVA) Association Nationale des Anciens Combattants Autochtones (ANACA) in order to better reflect the three Aboriginal peoples of Canada: Indians, Inuit and Metis. Under the renewed corporate charter the executive consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant -at-Arms. Meetings are held as required with a national meting and a special meeting occurring at least once a year. This organization is working very hard to meet the need of it's members the Aboriginal Veteran of Canada.
For more information on NAVA
Ph 306.384 0565
Cell 306 227 3987
Fax 306 382 6587
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